Our team, having in mind the importance of group work, orients our customers during the whole import / export process. Our services vary from studying viability of an importation or exportation until the full coordination of the operations involving these processes.
The import / export consulting company is not a broker nor an agent (though many times we also have these functions). The consulter in foreign trade is someone who is part of your team, with the advantage of not being included in your payroll and having his or her own team behind the whole operative system.
A company hires a consulting service to reduce personnel costs, to reduce costs in the import / export process, to have an independent point of view, to count on the competence of an expert. Also, to reduce the time in an import / export process, to better negotiate the commercial conditions involved in an international purchase or sale, obtaining better lucrativity. The consulting service is, thus, the quickest and cheapest way to have access to the procedures and cost of companies that already work with foreign trade.
• Saving in hiring experts to accomplish specific and temporary tasks such as: contract elaboration, technology transfer, market research, projects for participating in international trade shows;
• Reduction in the time necessary to accomplish businesses and deals, utilizing appropriate managing techniques.
• Less expenses with preliminary contacts, through a more driven action of communicating with potential importers / exporters, selected in a more accurate manner.
• Less expenses with promotion (direct mailing, catalogs, samples, international business trips, trade shows and conventions) rationalizing the communication policy.
• Less expenses involved in the import / export logistic, such, as packaging, transportation, brokerage, utilizing more professional ways of acting in the foreign trade scenario.
• Utilizing several forms of financial tools (in the promotion, production, for importing companies).
• Rationalizing the import / export administration, through appropriate forms.
• More trained professionals.
• Improvement of the buying system, checking existing suppliers and identifying new and alternative supplying options.